By Mike - 21/03/2009 15:38 - United States
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Comments I'm so sorry.
Twenty minutes? Go grandpa and grandma! I would be delighted to go twenty minutes at seventy years old.
*throws up uncontrollably*
That's just wrong...
In today's society doing it in the same room as anyone else isn't really acceptable anymore, let alone when it is a younger person or a relative. They may be old but they are not wise or considerate. Just don't ever put your future children and grandchildren through it :x
There are sometimes when you wish you hadn't done that... That is one of the times
your grandpops a stud by the man a drink for that performance at his age
o_______o Get some therapy as soon as you can. I say that in the most respectful, concerned way I possibly can manage...
20 minutes?! Way to go gramps.