By Embarrassed - 01/10/2010 13:06 - United States

Today, I had to sneeze really bad in a restaurant. To avoid sneezing on everybody's food, I turned my head to the side and sneezed, it just so happens a waitress was there serving a table. My nose went straight into her ass. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 498
You deserved it 6 099

Same thing different taste


Bangsa 0

umm... why not sneeze in to the inside of your elbow or a tissue like you are supposed to do! even though you dont sneeze directly on people the germs you spit out attach themselves to anything and everything and stay there!!! you diserved it :D

BahahahLOL 0

Yes. Right now, you + me, ON THE TABLE!

Score, win, .. Let the nose guide you

iNateC 0

how is this a FML? epic win in my book

This is also an fml for the waitress, lol

LittleMissRaven 0

Sneeze into your inner elbow or your shoulder. By sneezing over your shoulder, you're still spreading germs. Sorry you accidentally got ass in your face though.