By hunchbackofnotredamn - 29/09/2015 08:33 - United Kingdom - Southam

Today, I had to stand up on a train for my 4-hour journey. Why? Two pregnant women flew into unbridled rage with me over sitting in the priority seating, saying I was selfish. I'm recovering from spinal surgery. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 415
You deserved it 2 285

Same thing different taste

Top comments

alex_the_tiger 14

And someone else couldn't get up for them? It had to be you and you only?

You should have explained your predicament to them and they probably would have let you sit


maybe you should have told them and you know, stood your ground? that's your fault.

brocho 26

I wouldn't have gotten up. If you're recovering from spinal surgery, those bitches are no more entitled to that seat than you are.

Aggravates me when women use pregnancy to be hateful and expect special treatment. Sorry sweetheart, but millions of women before you have lived through pregnancy without "special seating" and I'm sure, unless you have a pregnancy complication, that standing for awhile won't hurt you one bit. I played softball throughout two pregnancies, you don't turn to glass when you become pregnant. Sorry you had to deal with that OP.

It's not just standing though, it's standing on a moving vehicle. did you try and do that while pregnant? I've fallen a few times. congratulations on playing softball while pregnant, just cause your pregnancy was apparently easy means everyone's is right? let's just used yours as a benchmark and everyone who claims to have it worse is a liar! it aggravates me when women can't look past their own experiences and consider other people might, sometimes, have it worse. I think what these women did was wrong but ffs get off your high horse.

jeragonm 15

That sucks OP. Out of curiosity at your name, and because I have it, do you have kyphosis?

I'm currently hugely pregnant, so I thought I'd stop by and contribute to this thread. In my opinion, something like spinal surgery will always take precedence over pregnancy. You standing for 4 hours could have serious implications later on. A pregnant woman standing, while painful and uncomfortable, would not (unless of course her pregnancy is high-risk, in which case she shouldn't be on a train to begin with). I am not sure if you tried explaining your situation or not, but I know that I personally would have been understanding and let you keep your seat. That said, pregnancy IS a good reason to request a seat on a train, provided you are not taking that seat from someone with a more serious health condition. The people saying that they chose to be pregnant and thus deserve no special treatment are being a little silly. Plenty of people undergo elective procedures for various reasons. The manner in which a person arrived in their condition is irrelevant. They are bringing life into the world, which is painful, uncomfortable, and risky. It's not a reason to be rude or to take things from people with more serious issues, but if they had kindly asked for a seat and then been understanding when he explained his condition, there's nothing wrong with that.

I wish this comment were at the top of the section. It's full of truth and everyone should read it.

As a midwife, I agree 100%. There are some conditions that may occur during pregnancy where it is important that the woman stays off her feet as much as possible, but if she has any of these conditions, she should not be on the train. Pregnancy in the last few months can be uncomfortable, but I also hear so many stories of women moving house, redecorating and climbing up and down ladders all day right up until the moment they go into labour. Just because a person is entitled to a seat doesn't mean there is someone else out there who needs it more.

dyscomonkee 12

I would let them bitch. What more could they have done....? Beat you up?

Mooglefox 23

Most people won't take a person's word anymore. You have to have something they can see

neuronerd 28

You definitely should have said something. Unless it was a train full of disabled, pregnant, or elderly people, someone else should have been able to give up their seats. I don't agree with some other commenters saying the pregnant women should have just stood. From what I hear,standing for long periods of time while pregnant can cause a lot of joint swelling and pain. I have kidney problems that make my body unable to regulate fluids and electrolytes properly, so I get bad swelling if I stand for a long time. For about 2-3 days after that happens, my ability to walk is greatly impaired, and I can't even consider using stairs because of the pain. I'd imagine similar results for very pregnant women.

Only if you actually explained that to them it's an FYL. Otherwise it's kind of unfair since they didn't know