By twohoursclosertodeath - 26/01/2013 22:57 - United States - Austin

Today, I had to suffer through a two-hour long trivia game with my boyfriend's family. As if that wasn't annoying enough, my boyfriend caused the pair of us to lose by just a single point, because he answered "Quebec" to the question of "What is the capital city of France?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 317
You deserved it 7 169

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who needs geometry anyway (yes I'm joking)

friedpwnadge 25

Nothing like a good trivia loss to ruin your entire day and week and lifetime and also your next reincarnation.


you sure have a real keeper there... it's not everyday that an idiot doesn't know that Paris is the capital of France

Well if it were not for the Americans in WWII the correct answer would have been Berlin.

Are you serious? The USA's only involvement in WWII was jumping in towards the end when Germany were already being beaten then claiming all the glory. It was mostly Russia that helped win it, along with Britain.

Chel2010 10

Way to go OP! You made yourself look extremely bitchy. Around Christmas my family played a trivia game that my boyfriend didn't want to play at first, but then he had fun and got to know my extended family a little better. This would have been a great chance for you to get closer to them, instead of being a sour puss about it and getting mad at your man for having what I call a "ditz moment" as I do frequently. YDI for complaining.

mrperspire 4

If I remember correctly. A majority of the noble prize winners came from America. around 270, the next closest is the Inited kingdom at 110. So American education system is not lacking. The students are lacking.