By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 21:51 - United States

Today, I had to wait an hour in the awful rain for my mom to pick me up, because she didn't realize the clocks had gone forward already. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 655
You deserved it 4 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sallen0046 4

And you were completely incapable of locating a phone to call her or a dry place to wait? If you chose not to take action, you generally lose the right to complain about an unpleasant situation.

There may have been no close place to take shelter, and OP may be in an unfamiliar place and not want to get lost. Not to mention the fact that OP's mother could have appeared at any time. It's not as if OP knew they would have a whole hour to find a phone, she probably didn't know the reason she was late until afterwards. It makes much more sense to stay where you are, as that is where people will first look for you.


meeba 2

i knew that an FML would appear about this subject, but hey it could have been snowing

perdix 29

When you need someone to meet you at an appointed time around the DST switchover, the onus is on you to make sure you both are aware of it, . . . you anus.

I thought this too until I realized I was reading random not recent

ChinaBabylove69 0

your great mother didn't mean to do anything wrong! I'm sure she was very upset seeing you there! and thankful you didn't get into any trouble,

you could have called her...if u had a cellphone

This is no FML! I love the rain! :D just last week I went for a walk in the rain, it's not that bad! I actually find it kinda relaxing :D

Haha. I love the way it smells outside after it rains :D

Ooh me four! :D it's pretty great, I also find that relaxing :D weather is so great haha

How the hell is this an FML? Its called an Umbrella and or stand under something. Retard.