By jlmbull - 29/07/2015 03:04 - United States - Lansing

Today, I had to wait thirty minutes after closing to check out a lady who was purchasing 20 different styles of curtains. I asked what she would be doing with them all, and she replied that she would be bringing 19 of them back tomorrow, as she didn't know which would match. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 108
You deserved it 1 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shadowvoid 33

That's a whole lot of extra work to find a good pair of curtains, like you could easily narrow it down. "Yeah, I don't think the flying sex snakes fit the mood in this room, I'll buy the other 18 curtains."


Classic retail situation. You can always tell who has never worked in retail (or never worked at all)