By jlmbull - 29/07/2015 03:04 - United States - Lansing

Today, I had to wait thirty minutes after closing to check out a lady who was purchasing 20 different styles of curtains. I asked what she would be doing with them all, and she replied that she would be bringing 19 of them back tomorrow, as she didn't know which would match. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 108
You deserved it 1 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shadowvoid 33

That's a whole lot of extra work to find a good pair of curtains, like you could easily narrow it down. "Yeah, I don't think the flying sex snakes fit the mood in this room, I'll buy the other 18 curtains."


People do's like paint buy more than one put a little on the walls in different spots then pick's a very good concept

I manage the front end of a big retail store. Several of my supervisors have pointed out the need to keep an eye on customers who do things like buying many multiples of the exact same item, or mentioning they plan to return something - especially if they use an obscene amount of coupons. A current trend, at least in my area, is people buying items using fraudulent coupons and then altering the receipt, then return them for full price the next day. You should let your boss or AP know because the customer might be up to something.

what do they do to the receipt? alter the price?

By removing the coupon from the receipt, so it looks like the item was purchased at the original price. If the (fake) coupon was for $5 off a $10 item, they will remove the "$5.00" from the receipt so it just says the item price ($10.) The customer returns it, usually to a different location and within a certain time period, so the system has not yet processed the transaction. This means that the cashier will manually enter the price as the original. People do this with multiples of the same item, because they can duplicate the same fake coupons rather than making more. Example - if the coupons are for 50% off, a refund on the items doubles their money. It's really, honestly, ******* clever. It WAS, that is, before we figured it out. I wouldn't recommend trying it.

singlwforlife 22

We have people who pull similar antics at my work as well. Every time someone like that comes through my line I can't help but be a little jealous... There's no way I could afford to buy 20 pairs of curtains at a time, even if I was returning 19 the next day! I'm living the broke life, I would have to buy them one by one and wait to return them until I had the gas money to get back to the store!

People gotta start somewhere, I work construction jobs and I don't even have a car for myself lol. Work hard and you'll achieve your goal

Sounds like a good time to come down with the 24 hour flu and have to call off.

Does she not have a phone with a camera?

nitrog100 21

Has she never heard of swatches!?! I've had to deal with some pretty awful customers before, so I feel for you, OP...

mischiefkel 17

Wow, what a bitch. Her sense of entitlement needs to be taken down a notch. She needs to lose whatever job is making it so she can afford all those damn curtains, and then be forced to work retail and process all of her own damn returns. She'll probably open all the packages and hang them up too, just to take them down, ball them up and shove them halfway back into the now ruined package before returning them. In case you couldn't tell, I work in retail and deal with these assholes daily. I hope for OP's sake that they don't accept open-package returns.