By Renesmeekuhnell - 28/02/2010 16:00 - Denmark

Today, I had to walk through the blistering snow, because my boss needed something really important: cream cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 201
You deserved it 2 976

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalibrary 4

Gotta' love cheese in a creamy form!


blitzen123 0

Aww, well, did you get the cream cheese?

don't joke about the cream cheese. that shit is important.

Dammit, woman! Cream cheese IS important.

jakeomatic 0

Did you at least get him bagels to go with it?

guckylynn 19

Last I checked it was blustering snow... not blistering.

^ Yes, blustery actually. Frostbite is not exactly a blister.

DS1_fml 0
SarahAnne_2009 0

Quit your job or quit complaining!

DS1_fml 0

Seriously? Anybody who says they should quit their job or quit complaining is an idiot.