By Renesmeekuhnell - 28/02/2010 16:00 - Denmark

Today, I had to walk through the blistering snow, because my boss needed something really important: cream cheese. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 209
You deserved it 2 978

Same thing different taste

Top comments

musicalibrary 4

Gotta' love cheese in a creamy form!


At least you have a job. Quit complaining you spoiled brat

Batman4890 0

hey, cream cheese is very important; you can't have a bagel without it.

RumpleForeskiiN 0

Lol at the retards who are ripping on this guy for grammar on the internet.

dekoi420 0

is your boss's job to eat cream cheese?

mariapedersen892 0

Well.. The winter was very hard this year, compared to what we are used to in our little Denmark.. I feel sorry for you.. And by the way, cream chease doesn't taste good, at all...