By Rainman - 14/06/2009 20:39 - United States

Today, I had to water my entire garden. After an exhausting hour of watering hundreds of plants, I turned off the hose and started to feel good about the grueling job. That is, until it started pouring rain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 834
You deserved it 14 315

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZeldasSage 0

Aww that sucks! Should've checked the weather forecast, though. =/

Yeah, it's such ******* hard work holding a hose for 10 minutes.


YDI. Anyone can usually tell when it's about to rain.. you get that feeling in the air. Not to mention you couldve checked the weather channel..

Jesus Christ! Who moderates this garbage?

.. and then God created the Weather Channel...

Omg, seriously? To some of these comments, not everyone ******* watches the Weather Channel every day, okay? It's not a "common sense" part of life, although it is helpful at times. The OP put effort into a possibly great hobby, and was disappointed to see it go to waste. So, OP, I don't think this is an FML but Im sorry your good work went to waste.

paks7 0

**** you codemonkey i hate when people assume that just because a family has some money it means they sit on their asses all day

YDI, that's why you check the weather report first.

cucuto89 0

how is watering plants hard work? You had a hose, its not like you were carrying a bucket of water back and forth

"Today I wasted an hour of my life because I don't know you can get things called 'weather forecasts' via the 'television' or 'internet.' FML." YDI. And, if the weather didn't call for rain YDI even more for believing those idiots.