By loser - 03/01/2010 12:00 - United States

Today, I handed my friend a $50. I paid her to take care of my farm on Farmville, feed my fish on Fishville, and flip my burgers on Cafe World, while I went on vacation for a week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 498
You deserved it 67 665

Same thing different taste

Top comments

abudali911 3

Ydi for laying all those games


marionfanlove 0

whooa haha your kinda lame no offense lol

Virtual lives are such a chore, you should just commit virtual suicide

you know your addicted when..? she better have done a good job

yeah, that's what i was gonna say. but OP shouldn't feel TOO bad. i mean, if you can't be a geek for your friend, who can you be a geek for?

lewser 0

learn how to spell, it's "pathetic".

hahahaha this isn't a fml at all, you put this on yourself.

I have to say that this is stupid. mo one cares about computer games that much, and just give your fish to your friend for a week.

She meant Fishville. It's a game. Not real fish.

yasmeenjonasx3 0

I ******* hate those games. I dont understand how people can obsess over them.

You don't really have to understand why people obsess over silly shit like that, but please realize that people can obsess over anything. It sucks she doesn't have any friends that can do this for her for free (or that she's so worried about it lol) but hey, if she has money to blow...

Cowless 0

You deserve it. CafeWorld and Farmville do not need constant attention, they pretty much run themselves. Don't know about Fishville though.

laurr_rawrs 0

you are absolutely pathetic. & you paid way too much for her service. words can't describe how much of an idiot you are and how much you deserve it.