By shadowsorel - 30/08/2012 20:34 - United States - Chicago

Today, I have a cold, and was stuck sleeping in bed. My roommate decided to wake me up by sticking headphones in my ears and playing heavy metal on full volume. This is the third time this week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 403
You deserved it 2 661

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Briiyahh 7

I would've hit them I have low tolerance for bullshit you shouldn't tolerate that


Brilliant! I like this cunning plan very much! May use this one!

Hmm, I like the way you think! Gonna have to try that sometime.. OK! As soon as I can actually get out of bed, I'll go look for some caramel candies! Thank you, Guru!

I'd say its either time to get a new roommate...or take and save all your snot tissues..wait till they leave..and go wipe them all over their pillows..ans then cough on their pillows to ensure they get sick. Then when they do get the same thing to them whilst saying "Karma's a bitch!"

nikkinurse 10

To get even, delete all the music off his phone and replace it with Justin beiber

Now you're going to feel better. Metal heals all

It's payback time, OP. Bring out the toy Lego's...

^^ im not a luvr, i don't even like his music or pay attention to him at all. I just don't get why so many people have nothing better to do with their time than criticize him.