By BathroomMuch - 25/12/2009 16:15 - United States

Today, I have been stuck in the bathroom. Apparently, my 8 year old son decided to sneak in some TurboLax into the juice we left out for Santa. Well played son. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 872
You deserved it 7 741

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noidea_fml 3
LMFAO_fail 0

...You didn't HAVE to drink it. Pretty sure he wouldn't be able to tell the difference between down the drain and down your throat. I would never drink juice or especially milk that had been left out for a while. LOL


hahaha your sone is a freaking genius

2Manny 4

you could always leave him some chocolate in his stocking

Your son is smarter then a 4.0 GPA. I found out be making my dad slip up by saying "What happens if one of my presents are broken?" He said "We return it because I still have the receipts."

CFrick 0

Consider yourself a successfull parent!

brand2017 9

I'd be saying "thats my boy!" xD

This has Children on here don't spoil it for them