By Anonymous - 26/07/2014 02:06 - United States - Deatsville

Today, I have really painful pimples on my upper lip. I'm a professional trombonist, and every note causes excruciating pain. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 538
You deserved it 5 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like you are in a zitty situation. Please don't kill me.


CurlyQute 17

Ouch... Hopefully they clear up soon!

no? and if it was directly from the trombone ot would be the bacteria on the mouthpiece..

slutfactory 17

I don't think people break out in zits from an allergy. Hives/rashes maybe, but not zits.

Couldn't you numb it with some wart freeze? It's a long shot but it may work..

Because that's exactly what you want. Not being able to feel your lips at all when playing a brass instrument. That would make it painful for the audience rather than OP.

I mean it might not be that bad, I play trumpet and when my lips are numb I can hit all the high notes! Now mid-lower range isn't the most reliable..

I've never heard of pimples on the mouth. is it similar to a cold sore?

Put some ice for about 2-3 minutes on the area before you play. You won't feel as bad as you feel know. A good trick to prevent having melted ice everywhere is to get a sponge soaked of water in the freezer and then put it on a Ziploc bag when it gets frozen. And keep your instrument clean!

christina3466 17

Trust me I know the feeling.

Rosebudx 32

When I was in band (trumpet), a friend of mine developed an allergy to his mouthpiece as the plating on it began to break down. Hope that's not what happened with you :(

"... and every note causes excruciating pain..." Yep! That's the trombone!

As a trumpet player, I know this pain! I feel bad for you OP. Hopefully your lip will clear up soon!


I feel your pain. I'm a technical deathcore guitarist who around July every year suffers from terrible dermatitis and dry skin on my hands and fingers. It'll get better