By LeaveHimAlone - 30/12/2013 04:23 - United States - Elkridge

Today, I have to take time off from work to take part in an intervention because my sister's obsession with the guy from Harry Potter has crossed over into illegality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 510
You deserved it 3 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaiDog 20

What did she do?? We need some details here!


"The guy from Harry Potter" could it possibly be... Harry Potter?

14- Probably not. I doubt Daniel Radcliffe refers to himself as Harry Potter in his day to day life. ;P

#20... But... He IS Harry Potter D: Isn't he!?

I wouldn't worry too much. I'm sure any wizard can hold his own against your sister with a simple spell or two.

I dunno. Performing magic in front of muggles might attract the ministry of magic's attention.

Your comment and your picture just work so well together.

No no no one can simply use the obliviate charm to erase OP's sisters memory

Harry Potter is amazing, but not to the point she can be trouble with the law. Sorry OP!

You take that make now miss or I avada kedavra your ass right here!

I have that problem, but I'm the one that's obsessed. I've had two different interventions.

buttcramp 21

why do you appear to be proud?

She was the infamous "towel girl" wasn't she.

Did she try to slither in someone's chamber of secrets?

More like she forced someone's basilisk into her chamber of secrets, which makes it illegal.

littlepoose 8

how exactly is OP an uncultured swine? sounds like someone knows a little too deeply what that's like

He accuses others of being uncultured, yet he has two Xs on either side of his screenname.

XcuzimsotiredX 25
buttcramp 21

honestly if she is having legal troubles it sounds like she needs you

And a professional. Obsessions that extreme can be a sign of something going on. Besides, behavioral therapy can help people without a diagnosis.

Says someone who has had a gen. Psych course and thinks they know everything now.