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By weirdome23 - 26/04/2011 09:45 - United States

Today, my "friend" told me I was weird and irritating. Yet she has an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter, hates people in general, and has a Facebook for her cat. Yeah, I'm the weird one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 498
You deserved it 8 599

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No shit, you must be weird for having friends like that.

Who doesn't have a Facebook for their cat?


ashleykay94 7

Yayy first an wow fyl that sucks

No shit, you must be weird for having friends like that.

i have a weird friend too. he gets all figety when you ask what his medicine does.... he wets his bed....

Me654 0

That sounds so much like my girlfriend

my cat has a fan page. does this mean I'm weird? SEANNNN BACK ME UP!!

30, do you also hate people in general, and are you obsessed with Harry potter? If you could truthfully answer "yes" to all the previous questions, yes, you would be classified 100% weird also. Having a fan page for your cat only makes you 94% weird.

ugh I hate seeing little kids on this site (18)! it's too inappropriate for them

haha no I love people! and I'm not a Harry potter fan lol

take those fatass Harry potter books and hit her in the face with it. Then, proceed to piss in her wheaties.

maybe the guy from the next fml can bring this bunny

heyitsadam17 2

lmao, then shove them up her nose and speak in parsle tongue

pimplayer 0

haha I bet she's also very pale, I'm not promoting to get a tan because some girls come out of there bright orange or a nasty muddy color. lol no one can win except for real brown people ;)

Captain_Zorro 7

54 why does almost every one of your comments include pissing?

robotiick 12

tell her to suck Harry potters dick

GIRL, PLEASE. There is no such thing as an 'unhealthy' obsession when it comes to Harry Potter.

I love Facebook!!! lol I wonder what's her cats name lol JK

roro9944 0

160- just go die. half of my brain cells committed suicide after readin your comment. it was pointless and had no reason to put a JK at the end. now as I said before, please go die. have a nice day.

189 -yours was kinda pointless, too! Don't you think? You tell me to died, then again you say 'have a nice day?' WTF?

BugsBunny1 4

I think there's now way too many people with the last name "Bunny" on this website.

haha you're correct it was pretty pointless 'half of my brain cells committed suicide'?? seriously thats what the person is going with?

slynoble32 11
slynoble32 11

189 bro chill wit dat hatein just cause udont like her comment to a comment doesnt mean u can be like "hello world im half dead bc i i don like a comment" haha u told her to die but ur half way there finish it off

I have a fb for my cat ;) He has a lot of friends to.


haha my friend has an obsession with dogs, hates everyone(everyone Hates her too), and has a facebook for her dogs. I'm her friend cause she my neighbor and I don't want enemies

monkeyshorts22 4

you ARE weird if you don't like Harry Potter!!(;

shouldnt be hating on harry. damn these muggles

my cat had a fb until he died. then I deleted it so I'm not weird anymore :)

wait hold up... we went from talking about wierd friends... to facebook cats... to pointless messages in 3 comments. Ohk welp that proves it. The internet is taking over our minds...

189 - Based on your comment, your brain cells didn't have that much to live for anyway.

274- haha I know right but that girl who acted like a blond a few comments ago is my sister :) so I will be backing her up

278- Yuh kinda look like demi lovato. Its really creepy O.o

Chaodin 0

Wow, you're such a great friend. What, were you just hanging out with her to feel better about yourself? I guess that backfired.

Krajjan 9

I think she's talking about my ex. She went nuts. Bipolar and delusional. Run.

Agree with the sarcasm. OP, you sound incredibly judgemental. If you think she's so odd, why are you concerned with her opinion of you? Drop the friendship if you are going to be thin-skinned and bitchy every time soneone offers (possibly valid) critique.

Member when your pet having a myspace was cool? LOL I just remembered my little sister and I made one for our cat. And if anyone makes an rude comments to that, you can suck a fat one cuz my cat saved my life and he died 3 months ago 2moro. I know ppl on this site are rude. Not all but a lot of them are.

Besides, the real problem is that OP isn't like the friend. That friend is obviously a blogger!

There's no such thing as an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter.

Lizza330 28

Ya, that's strange, but you might do things that are even stranger.

To be honest, OP's friend sounds like a Tumblr person

itsmeppl 0

shes weird for saying ur weird

funnyFMLSplz 0

whatever floats your boat buddy.

Who doesn't have a Facebook for their cat?

I have a Facebook for my dog, everyone add him!

daniismiles11 0

i have a facebook for my dog which he has 1005 friends :)

i got a facebook for my pet goldfish that I won at the carnival

SpazzyJazzy325 0

yer dogs got more facebook friends than I do.... •__• sad

I had a myspace for my cat! LOL I made a facebook page for him not a regular facebook. Which is good kinda cuz I would have wanted to delete the whole facebook a few months ago when he died.

salmonbean 0

i had a myspace for my cat and fish o.O but now my cat has a plentyoffur its so cute :>


JessieBrianneKim 3

I completely agree. To be honest, this girl sounds like my dream best friend.

If you're considered weird, I hardly imagine what she qualifies for

sounds like a girl i know, people like that are crazy

Well you've said nothing about yourself, so we have no way to judge how weird you are which is independent of how weird your friend is. There are also different types of weird some of which are good and some of which are bad depend on how each person deals with their weirdness. If she has a point about you, then take that into consideration, if she doesn't have a point and was just being mean, then you don't have to continue being her friend. But just because she might be weird, doesn't necessarily make her a bad person or wrong.

oh cinn I love your advice! I had a friend like this in a way, I would get in trouble at school for "showing cleavage" but my friend said it was because the "fat" on my stomach was so disgusting they didn't want to see it. Oh yeah and my friend was about 250 lbs....

Cinn you'd make a great 'agony aunt'!