By LeaveHimAlone - 30/12/2013 04:23 - United States - Elkridge

Today, I have to take time off from work to take part in an intervention because my sister's obsession with the guy from Harry Potter has crossed over into illegality. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 510
You deserved it 3 472

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CaiDog 20

What did she do?? We need some details here!


ThisIsMe_18 13

Man, I want to know the story behind what she did.

You never told us which guy from harry potter. I'm guessing radclifffe...

Every one of us potter heads have been there before... *shivers and takes sip of vodka*

KayleeFrye 39

I'm going to join in on the "PLEASE elaborate!" trend. I like the Harry Potter books/movies as much as the next girl, but find it hilarious that someone could be obsessed enough to need an INTERVENTION! What did your sister do?!

This needs an OP update, right stat now. Also, the Phelps twins would definitely be worth a disorderly conduct! :D

And yet people hate on the Twilight fans.../facepalm Also, am I the only one who cracked up at OP's username? So funny! Now, OP, does our sister like the character, or the actor who plays him? Either way, we all have our celeb crushes, but that's going a little too far. It sucks that you have to give up your job and your money to deal with her problem. Just...gah! Faith in humanity keeps going down, as well as faith in future generations...

Hmmm I see fangirling is her sport of choice....or does she prefer Quidditch?