By yanksbitethebig1 - 16/03/2009 01:09 - United States

Today, I heard back from my store management interview at Target. I was offered an overnight stock clerk position. When I called HR to find out if my application was in the wrong file I was told I lack the leadership qualities necessary for Target. I graduated with honors from a military school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 84 089
You deserved it 6 140

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i used to work at target doing that job. you're not missing out.

wowFML123 0

I don't get why you're complaining. Military school obviously leaves you with an inferior education for working at Target. There's stocking shelves, answering phones, operating a cash register, mopping floors. You may even have to show customers where things are located in the store. I think you may actually have to have your PhD to work there.


You graduated from military school. I don't understand why this means you have any leadership qualities or any outstanding intelligence. Everyone I know that attended military school thought it was a complete joke all the way through. I have sympathy for you.

Not all millitary schools are the same, oh perfet one. Are you sure that your friends weren't going to an Army academy? Because I have friends who go to the Air Force Academy and Naval Academy and I have attented lectures for all of them. Think collage is tough? Try it with 7 weeks of basic training. With no civilain contact. I'm sure that it's a real joke. You friends were probably flunkies. And, if he graduated from a millitary academy, he's almost certainly an officer. That means that he leads people under him daily. STFU. =)

Look at it this way: at least you got to the interview. I'm in a similar situation (top student, etc. but not from military school) and was rejected even before they asked to set up an interview

lampshade131 0

just because you were in the service and graduated with honors doesn't mean your qualified to be a manager. suck it up.

Does killing people for a living really qualify you for running a retail store and working with people??? Why the **** do military asshole always think they're great at everything just because they can follow illegal and immoral orders???

You don't kill anyone in military school, I'm pretty sure. Also, military does not equal killing for a living, and since when is every order given in the military illegal or immoral? Read a book or talk to people once in a while, and please stop getting your information from...I don't even know where you could have gotten that information from.

Um excuse you? Military school doesnt train leadership. That is if you are training to be an officer. If not, you are being trained to FOLLOW dumbass. that is the basis of the military.

iloverell 0

actually target is anti-military. they hate us. they won't even ship overseas to apo boxes. that's why they didn't hire you.

I guess you wanted to write "Store Manager interview" & not "store management interview". Those guys at Target are sharp...

Whiterabbitm1 0

I worked for Target for 2yrs they honestly don't give 2 ***** if you were in the military or not.