By Tragic - 27/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, I heard my mom ask "Are you okay?" I opened my mouth to tell her about how I've been feeling suicidal lately. At that second, I realized she was talking to my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 276
You deserved it 6 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really feel bad for you dude. That sucks when you get depressed.

TheZephyrSon 3

Seriously, if you've been feeling suicidal, get some help or talk to someone. Don't kill yourself.


sun_ny 0

I know what that feels like dude.

seriously, your stupid...killing yourself ?!?... im with #105 but im sure #109's advice would work to... Suck it up

1100101 0

suicide is the most selfish thing anyone can do unless you have absolutely no family and friends, how can you do that to them?

italian99 0

This is exactly the reason you shouldn't commit suicide. 129 people felt compelled enough to click on your message specifically to save you. There are things worth living for, people worth meeting. Just wait and see.

rachelbrianna25 0

Don't kill yourself. There are lots of hotlines out there that WILL help you. Or you can always go to the ER. Trust me a good friend of mine felt this way & we went to the ER. My friend is doing great now. There is always help out there.

I'll go against what all these tools are saying. Do it, and video tape the whole thing. Then in your suicide note, have someone post it on youtube as "Fake Suicide". I feel no simpathy for someone who posts on the internet " I think I might kill myself". STFU and deal, douche.

this is my first comment btw, im impressed with the community, i figured id see like 100 jackasses suggesting ways to commit suicide, anyway... get professional help talk to someone, there are people that want to help you

kill the cat and make it look like an accident then get help XD

DUDE! It's seems terrible now but if you could see into the future and see how awesome ur life will be later when u have more control over what u do, u will see that it's worth it to stick it out. Get some help, it's natural to have depressed feelings every so often, but u don't have to be ruled by it!!! Sending u love!

mjmo 0

i hope u r able to talk to someone SOON,,,, suicide is not the answer.... medication can help greatly if theres a severe problem and lots of time, attention and talking is all u need. YOU R NOT alone!!!