By Tragic - 27/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, I heard my mom ask "Are you okay?" I opened my mouth to tell her about how I've been feeling suicidal lately. At that second, I realized she was talking to my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 276
You deserved it 6 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really feel bad for you dude. That sucks when you get depressed.

TheZephyrSon 3

Seriously, if you've been feeling suicidal, get some help or talk to someone. Don't kill yourself.


YDI for being suicidal. And no one bitch at me either. "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem." and a real dick move.

rakhil11 7

SiLveRStaRLIGHT-u know xactly what ur talking about, don't u? *hug* OP, read her posts. she's good. and i know what ur feeling...i was depressed a few months ago 4 months...then it suddenly disappeared...idk y...but never do pills. my friend does and it's getting worse 4 her. try 2 avoid counseling. it's annoying and u feel like crap afterwards. it makes u feel like the world wants 2 study u so some1 can write up a huge article and u bcome a lab rat 4 the rest of ur life. not a happy feeling. talking 2 ppl online is good, bcuz u don't actually know them, so they tend 2 b nonjudgmental. i talked 2 online friends about anorexia and got over it that way 2. btw, my parents don't know that i was depressed or anorexic. they care a ton, don't they? every1 in school noticed, so it must have been obvious....

Smoke some weed. You'll feel A LOT better.

rakhil11: Thank you. :] I've had quite a bit of experience. I'm flattered actually... *hugs back*

rockmyworld 0

oh, hun. I'm so sorry. Please don't kill yourself. You need love and encouragement and your mom may not be the best person. However, why not give it a try? Write her a letter if it's too hard to say face to face. Tell her how you've been feeling and ask for some help, if not from her then from a professional. Some really do help. Please, every night before you go to sleep, tell yourself that you are a wonderful person and you accept what you did today as the absolute best anyone could do under the circumstances and you're happy with yourself. Even if it doesn't feel true at first, it is, because no one is better at being you than you. People may try to tell you how to live, or deny your right to expressiveness and happiness but that's their problem. Don't let it bother you. Good luck:) also, how are you feeling today? yes, I'm talking to you =)

member0987654321 0

please please pleeease get some help #106 i love yah

artist13 0

everyone saying "stop being a pussy" and "be greatful" and "it's for attention", I can only assume you have no idea what it's like to lose someone to suicide. It's quite possibly the most awful thing I've ever experienced in my life, losing a friend I didn't even know was drowning in depression. Don't ever spread hatred like that. You don't know their story, they don't know yours. Just be respectful, or be quiet if you can't be decent, at minimum. And please, the person who posted the FML, wait out the pain, and I hope you'll see the beauty in the world. You're not alone, as you can see. Best wishes...

@#109: Win. But yeah. Suicide is balls, don't do it, etc.

a) hows the cat. b) her mum didnt dismiss her suicidle thoughts c) #54 Its like having an arrogant miniature hobo live in your house .. you could have shortened that to "a frenchman living in your house" oh wait you didnt say smelly :(