By Tragic - 27/04/2009 21:50 - United States

Today, I heard my mom ask "Are you okay?" I opened my mouth to tell her about how I've been feeling suicidal lately. At that second, I realized she was talking to my cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 276
You deserved it 6 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I really feel bad for you dude. That sucks when you get depressed.

TheZephyrSon 3

Seriously, if you've been feeling suicidal, get some help or talk to someone. Don't kill yourself.

Comments National Hopeline Network 1.800.SUICIDE (1.800.784.2433) This is the information you really need. They have phone operators available 24/7.

Today, My owner asked me if i had problems, I'm a ******* cat, FML

derailed 1
blondemoment 0

been there before and it's not a fun place at ALL. I hope you're feeling better.

TheCountof480 0

Hey there, As all of these people have told you, suicide is not the answer. You are loved and cared for by each of these people (even the one who implied you were crying for attention, with whom I disagree). If you are still feeling this way and don't know where to turn the Hope Network is there for you. Please call 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433). Or go to There are people here for you. You have my love and prayers.

don't do it please =( nothing is worth suicide.

codyl 0

come on now, suicide is bullshit. be happy you're alive and have a damn computer to type on at all.

rhodill2 0

Idk if ure actually going to read this, but anyone who is feeling down read this: The death of my grandfather was more real than anything. The difference of understanding between the 8 year old me faced with the deaths of my Uncles and the 15 year old me was tremendous. I didn’t know what to do, but I was immediately faced with the decision that I wanted to live my life morally, that I should be good, that I should be kind to everyone, for days in this world are limited. My grandmother and Dad took the death the hardest—but I still never did see either of them cry. They still had ingrained in their personalities that the children should not see weakness—that for them to be strong—you must be strong. I cried. It was the first time I can remember crying since I was little—when tears came to sooth the pain of a bruise or a scratch. Time didn’t seem to pass normally. In no time, two weeks had gone by. February 28, 2007. We came home from school, my mom was in the living room crying (this was not strange though because she is an emotional person and had been crying for some time since the death of my grandmother). “I have something to tell you kids” “Christine is no longer with us” Maybe she met her dad after all. I have no idea how my grandmother has been through so much suffering. And if you met her, you would never know she has lost two sons, a daughter, a husband, a nephew, a niece, and a best friend. But every single day she gets up and is thankful for everything she DOES have. Whenever I’m in a bad mood, I go over to her house and talk to her—and she can always tell when I’m feeling down I don’t know how. Just talking to her makes me realize how small most problems are that people confront. Some friends will tell me their sad because a girl doesn’t like them or this or that, and if you really take the time to just realize how much you have you won’t have time to be sad. Anybody who has people who love and care for them, whether it is their mom, their dad, both, friends, grandparents whatever, those are the luckiest people in the world. My grandma is one of the coolest people I know, and she’s 84. She tells me how I should be going after older girls and how “badass” my new hat is. Only sometimes I see her I can tell she’s down. I ask her. She’ll say: “Some things have been lousy my dear, but in the end, you can only worry about the things you can change.” You can only worry about the things you can change.

Don't kill yourself, seek help. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.