By hungry - 13/10/2013 05:23 - United States

Today, I heard that there was supposed to be a huge blizzard heading our way, so I went out to stock up on groceries. After spending $600 on food, I drove home and packed most of it into the fridge and freezer just in time for our power to go out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 815
You deserved it 26 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to buy food that can be stored and doesn't perish at room temperature when a storm heads your way?

if it's cold enough to snow, put all the stuff outside


thats why you have to buy canned food.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada, and the weather this fall has been really mild and more like late spring. But other years it can be freezing and I've even seen snow but it wouldn't stick around because of the lack of frost. Still, a little flurry this time of year makes some people around here turn into Chicken Little and I think it's silly and un-Canadian.

looks like ur making a secound trip for a generator...

sugarbear0727 19

Don't blizzards usually cause power outages? YDI for not thinking.

It's a blizzard( snow/ice) I think you'll figure Something out

If you're going to have a blizzard you can put the put stuff outside on your deck or patio, or in the trunk of your car. Blizzards usually freeze stuff, so frozen foods will be fine. And for refrigerated items you could the do the same with most of them.