By hungry - 13/10/2013 05:23 - United States

Today, I heard that there was supposed to be a huge blizzard heading our way, so I went out to stock up on groceries. After spending $600 on food, I drove home and packed most of it into the fridge and freezer just in time for our power to go out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 815
You deserved it 26 619

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you supposed to buy food that can be stored and doesn't perish at room temperature when a storm heads your way?

if it's cold enough to snow, put all the stuff outside


Why are you wasting your battery posting this.

One if those, 'it sucks but you deserved it' moments. Should've bought non-perishables .

Shorty777 4

You're supposed to stock up on non perishables.

if there was only something you could do....

Damien_Rose 8

I don't really know what you expected. Blizzards knock out phone lines and power more often than not. You're supposed to stock up on non-perishable foods. Tinned stuff is usually a good idea

YDI for being one of those panic buying idiots that overshops every time a storm or public holiday comes

You should have a gasoline generator to back up your 'fridge and freezer with some extra gas cans.

Put it all outside! Build yourself a snow-fridge.

Ok, I get that so long as you don't open the fridge/freezer it stays pretty insulated and your stuff should stay fine for the short term. And if power wasn't the primary concern, rather you were worried about road conditions preventing you from shopping, again, I get it. But you didn't get some non-perishables? Or do you have well water and electric stove so no power means no water and no stove so only dry/canned goods and non refrigerated already out beverages are available? Cause that... That is kinda bad. Still feel like you should have gone canned crazy, though.