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By ApparentlyaPotato - 10/02/2016 05:08 - United States - Coeur D Alene

Today, I was called a "Potato" for at least the 30th time by people online for living in Idaho. I've lived here my whole life, I have yet to see a potato farm. None of these people has even left the East Coast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 540
You deserved it 2 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't worry OP, I'm sure you'd be a sweet potato. All corniness aside, don't take it too seriously, those people are living in ignorance.


Don't worry OP, I'm sure you'd be a sweet potato. All corniness aside, don't take it too seriously, those people are living in ignorance.

My boyfriend actually calls me a potato as a strange but affectionate endearment. It started out with him saying I have the focus/resilience of a potato, which made me laugh because of how ridiculous it sounded. Now he just says it all the time. It still makes me giggle for absolutely no reason. But it works, because he can extend it to "sweet potato" and "hot potato" too :)

It is still much better than the hate everyone gives NJ for absolutely no reason

Ignorance is a strong trait in some people. I would just ignore them. Sorry OP

Hey, it's better than being called a potato because you look like one (me) xD

Yeah I'm from Maine and people just assume that I eat lobster every day and see moose all the time when I've only seen a moose twice :p Stereotypes will never die, my friend, but you're better off than a state with the stereotype of marrying your sister/cousin/brother...

aeryn97 17

lobster and clam chowder. lol. only joking. I've always wanted to visit Maine but not for lobster or moose :)

Another Mainer! My profile picture was taken up north near Katahdin in the townships :P. I feel your pain, #5.

Ah Katahdin is beautiful! In fact, pretty much the whole state is haha I'd advise anyone to come see it at least once

fuckingmegan 11

I have lived in southern Maine (near Portland) for almost my whole life and I've NEVER seen a moose! I do love a good lobster though :)

To be fair, that's two more times than I've seen a moose.

There are moose in Maine? I always think the cranberries when I think of Maine. I don't even know if cranberries grow there and have no idea where that thought came from. Stereotypes are pointless. That being said, I live in Illinois and I can walk 12 a mile in any direction and walk into a corn field. I live in a city.

86- that's kind of funny because I've lived in Canada my whole life, and the one and only time I ever saw a moose was the one time I visited Maine. Maybe if you come up to Canada you'll see one here :P

chrddajr 19

Also from Idaho and ive never seen one either. Its all a myth.

ApparentlyNotEno 28

You've obviously never been to Rexburg.

I agree, seems that most of the potato farms are in the southeast Idaho. Loved getting a week off from school for the harvest.

Indeed. My particilar brethren and I sprouted in Arizona.

RockstarJAy 16

Idahoan here. I know the feeling, everyone I've met online tells me I'm from potato land!

kamryno 22

I can't tell you how many times I've mentioned I'm from Idaho and people have replied "oh so you da hoe"

Maybe if you level up enough, you can become a potato chip :D

You really should look up 'potato' in the Urban Dictionary. They may be talking about something completely different.