By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 20:28 - United States

Today, I hit a parked car which was sticking out in the road and practically unavoidable. I left a note on the windshield saying, "You deserved to get hit - you park like an asshole." Later I realized that the paper I tore to write on was the back of my bank statement, name and address included. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 498
You deserved it 79 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you hit a parked car, it's your goddamned fault. I hope the owners take your bank statement, hack into your account, and use your own money to pay for the damage you caused.


ZielZone 4

Please don't breed, there are enough stupid people

Way to go dumb ass, I hope they find you.

atleast you can't get a failure to stop at accident charge as you gave him your info hahahahahah you deserved it

missalice0306 19

Both of you were acting stupidly in this case.

roquette5710 8

Wow...leaving a not at a hit and run with all your info YDI and haha because you're gonna be arrested and probably sued. Moron

HanaFML 10

If that were your car, your FML would be totally different.

You should've checked what you were writing on! And maybe retake drivers ed for hitting a stationary object. Even I haven't done that and I'm a teen driver, we're supposed to be the worst! Next time keep your ******* eyes open you moron!