By Anonymous - 04/01/2011 20:28 - United States

Today, I hit a parked car which was sticking out in the road and practically unavoidable. I left a note on the windshield saying, "You deserved to get hit - you park like an asshole." Later I realized that the paper I tore to write on was the back of my bank statement, name and address included. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 498
You deserved it 79 854

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you hit a parked car, it's your goddamned fault. I hope the owners take your bank statement, hack into your account, and use your own money to pay for the damage you caused.


Speaking as a driving instructor: OP needs to stop blaming others. Practically unavoidable = avoidable. Also, if you were driving at a speed where you were unable to stop safely in the distance you can see, you're driving too fast. IF you weren't driving too fast, then your observational skills are lacking, parked cars do not 'suddenly' materialise out of thin air. and like #81 said, the fact is you his the car, regardless of how that person parked and you as a driver are responsible. In the UK, because of many roads built prior to the UK being populated with this many cars, many roads can have cars parked on a busy road, blocking off one lane. You know what we do? we slow down, stop if necessary, and move over into the next lane or into the opposite lane when safe to do so. slow down and anticipate more - it's a parked car this time, could very well be a kid with a ball the next, so stop blaming other's 'bad' parking and deal with your bad driving.

Ydi I hope the guy calls the cops and you rot in jail.. Any accident is avoidable jack ass.. They're called brakes...

Not all accidents are avoidable, hence why they are called "accidents"

if you cant even avoid a parked car then you definently should not be driving at all

foolishgirl 0

Dude may have deserved to get hit, but you deserve to pay for it since you left a note that made it seem as though you did it intentionally. It sounds like you were saying "I hit you on purpose, because you parked like an asshole" as opposed to "I couldn't avoid hitting you because of your poor parking."

mandypandypants 4

Ydi because you saw the car sticking out in the road ahead of time and decided to hit it rather than getting in another lane.

XoDuSv2 4

Better have a good house security system