By LoveStruck- - 10/02/2010 07:29 - United States

Today, I hung out with my boyfriend for the first time in two weeks. We were cuddling on the couch when he suddenly stands up. I thought he was going to hug me, but then he turned around, pinned my shoulders back so I couldn't move, and farted in my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 791
You deserved it 5 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

AngryNinja 1

that is uncalled for. I hope you left.

I hope you smack the shit out of him. Get it? butt jokes...


rinzy 3

lol. that's funny - you should have punched him right on the asshole. he'd think twice next time

I think a swift knee up in his crotch would have been appropriate, following by either getting the hell out of there or insisting he leave. Farts aside, holding you down against your will is wrong. You don't need a male in your life who uses physical force to dominate you, however briefly or even as a so-called joke. He's a creep.

japs96 0

hahahahaha that's nasty! I feel really bad for you though. just dump the dumb a

Bones500 0
iRawrrrx33 0
micro788 0

Now THATS how you get pink eye....

That is disguisting. It's one thing to let it go accidentally but on purpose, in your face? Just disrespectful. Leave now.

bullsht 0

So? Wait until he's asleep, then take a dump on his face.