By Anonymous - 11/08/2011 06:04 - Canada

Today, I informed my parents that my husband and I are separating after much deliberation. We came to this conclusion relatively peacefully. According to my parents, I'm now Satan, and will end up on the streets as a crack whore if we don't change our minds and stay together. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 543
You deserved it 4 137

Same thing different taste


They just want you guys to stay together. Parents will be parents even when you're 60. They care about you. It's disheartening to see your kid go through a divorce. Yours a little harsh with words though.

Better start saving up. Crack isn't cheap

This is when u say " NO MOM. UR THE CRACK *****! AND DAD... shut the **** up and just go."

Satan's pretty damn badass yuh know? It's a privilege op!

sorry OP, but your parents seem to me a little bit crazy.

spez8 2

They must really like the guy.

do what you got to do! if your parents don't understand oh well it's not their life.