By job hunter - 18/05/2017 12:00 - United States - New York

Today, I interviewed for my dream job. Everything was going great until the interviewer asked, "So, what's your least favorite race?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 560
You deserved it 330

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

"Well, I'd have to say the 100 meter freestyle. Everyone just uses the front crawl stroke, so I don't really get to shine with this hybrid breaststroke/butterfly stroke I created as a child and spent years mastering."


my2centsworth 15

I really want to know how OP responded to the question. It seems that every commenter including myself immediately came up with some sort of speed based race to respond with

and you should have said how did you enjoy the job you used to have because that is illegal.

it's not illegal. it's a trick question. race can be defined as a car race, a swim race, etc. it may be used to weed out people who are focused on skin race.

Potato sack race. It's not easy hopping around in one of those sacks.

BluePheonixFire 4

Dog races, those are so boring. Or snail races.

Kristoffer 35

Indy 500. all hype, no substance

davek 36

100m, because I can't run that fast.