By Anonymous - 27/04/2012 18:01 - United Kingdom - Hatfield

Today, I introduced my girlfriend to my parents. After she left, they told me they disapprove of her because of her supposedly lower social class. Now I have to either dump her or lose the money they set aside to pay for my university tuition. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 665
You deserved it 3 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Keep her. Pay for your own college. Earn your big boy pants. [and get laid!]

RebekahBrooke 9


shawnagreenbean1 9

Wow, your parents are shit people.

MissElektra 0

That happened to me, except I was the girl getting dumped... Here is some advice, if you choose not to go with her, don't tell her it's cuz she isnt "the right class" like the asshole did with me after a year of planning our wedding

wiggleyeah 3

Awww what a dick!!! Youll find someone way better!!:)

Find a new one, at the same college.

wiggleyeah 3

All i got to say is take a shot!!!! And if ur all gagaa fo this girl chose her!!!:) And tell yo parents to **** off haha jkjk

Wow. Your parents are assholes. Just tell them you dumped her, but continue seeing her. It's none of their business anyway!

Wow. Your parents are assholes. Just tell them you dumped her, but continue seeing her. It's none of their business anyway!

I think your patents are Nazis from the kkk

It may sound bad, but you really should just let the girl go. It's not worth it to give up a guaranteed education, for a relationship with someone that may not even last. Even if you would consider the scholarship thing as an option, that's something you'd be stealing away from someone who doesn't have the means to obtain any other way. So then you would be a dirtbag, even if you earned it. And if you try to secretly date her, there's always the chance that they'll find out about it. So it's really not worth the risk.

Screw the parents, tell them they are standing in the way of your happiness, and they will lose, have to make yourself happy. Or see her behind their backs. DONT give up on the girl. You WILL regret it.