By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 06:30 - Canada

Today, I invited my boss and his family over for dinner. As usual, I bought his kids Christmas' presents, nothing too fancy though. This year, he had one more that wasn't here last year. So I just pulled something from under the tree to hand him. He opened it on the spot. It was my son's PS3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 006
You deserved it 52 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Why would you chance it like that when you knew you had a PS3 under the tree?

You just gave him a random gift? Thank god it wasnt your uncles new hunting knife or yo momas new vibrator


Klima_fml 29

Just be honest and tell him you didn't get him anything, now your sons out a PS3

Whatever... the raise you get would pay for it anyway :)

What is wrong with you? Just don't include the new kid, buy them something in the new year. Your poor son. YDI.