By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 06:30 - Canada

Today, I invited my boss and his family over for dinner. As usual, I bought his kids Christmas' presents, nothing too fancy though. This year, he had one more that wasn't here last year. So I just pulled something from under the tree to hand him. He opened it on the spot. It was my son's PS3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 006
You deserved it 52 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Why would you chance it like that when you knew you had a PS3 under the tree?

You just gave him a random gift? Thank god it wasnt your uncles new hunting knife or yo momas new vibrator


Your a total dumbfuck, if i would be your son i would **** you up.

Sparkiee93 3


Brilliant. "Right, I need to give this kid a present. I know! I'll take one from under the tree, the place where the presents I have bought for my family are, including that very expensive Playstation 3 for my son. Ah well, this random kid probably deserves some random present I got for one of ny family, more than the member of the family I actually got it for." Under your tree isn't a little storeroom of presents for kids that pop round for dinner. What the **** were you thinking robbing a present for SOMEBODY ELSE and giving it to this kid you don't know? And if you knew the PLAYSTATION 3 was under there, that makes it even more ridiculous. Also I have to question why, when picking him a present, which, for the son fo your boss who comes round to dinner would normally just be like, some chocolate or something, did you pick the really big PS3-box-sized box?

YDI. Why would you give him someone else's present? That's just stupid.

Thunderbender 2

This fails harder than anything I've seen in a long long time. I hope you were able to get it back though O_o

YDI if it's true, but I smell something fishy about this story...

More like F your son's L! If my dad did that I'd ******* kill him!

shouldnt you know which presents are the big ones think first.

I call bullshit. PS3's weigh enough you wouldn't think its something cheap and easily replaceable.

Queen_of_Night 20

Ditto 74. There's no way you would grab a gift as big and as heavy as the PS3 box. OP go play in traffic.

"OP go play in traffic." I like your style, lol.

fizledizledazle 0

My thoughts exactly. I have no contact with video games/consoles, but come on, why in the world would you hand a freakin huge box off hoping it's like a plastic toddler's toy?

janise 2

I wonder how the OP's boss's other kids felt about that kid getting a PS3 when they probably just got candy or a trinket.