By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 06:30 - Canada

Today, I invited my boss and his family over for dinner. As usual, I bought his kids Christmas' presents, nothing too fancy though. This year, he had one more that wasn't here last year. So I just pulled something from under the tree to hand him. He opened it on the spot. It was my son's PS3. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 006
You deserved it 52 241

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI. Why would you chance it like that when you knew you had a PS3 under the tree?

You just gave him a random gift? Thank god it wasnt your uncles new hunting knife or yo momas new vibrator


YDI. Also, learn to use apostrophes correctly.

One word to describe the OP......."dumbass"

#2 You Have Terrible Grammar. OP: Your a dumb ******.I hope your son sets you on fire.You should have stop tryin' to kiss you boss' ass and told the kid you weren't excpecting him.Did your boss get anything for your kids?

stop being a kiss ass and you owe your son another one you stupid idion

#2 You Have Terrible Grammar. OP: Your a dumb ******.I hope your son sets you on fire.You should have stop tryin' to kiss you boss' ass and told the kid you weren't excpecting him.Did your boss get anything for your kids?

#2 You Have Terrible Grammar. OP: Your a dumb ******.I hope your son sets you on fire.You should have stop tryin' to kiss you boss' ass and told the kid you weren't excpecting him.Did your boss get anything for your kids?

YDI, just re-gift some fricken candy or something.

"#2 You Have Terrible Grammar. OP: Your a dumb ******" Oh, irony...

YDI for not checking. You also YDI for being fake. What kind of idiot grabs 'any' present from under their tree to give away without knowing what it was? Seriously.

I'd say FYL, mostly because the boss did not tell that he was bringing another child. Seeing that it was a Christmas dinner, I assume that the OP had to rearrange the dinner table, in addition to having to magically get another present. The boss ought to know that the OP gave the children presents, considering that it is not the first time he has been over. So the boss is the one mainly at fault because he put the OP in an awkward position, that could've easily been avoided with a phone call. But still a bit YDI for not realising what that heavy packet could've been something more expensive. The 5 more seconds it would've taken the OP to realise what it was, could have been enough to avoid this entire problem.