By Anonymous - 13/03/2013 23:22 - United States

Today, I invited my girlfriend to go eat out, hoping to put her in a really romantic mood. She decided to tell her friend, who then invited herself and another couple along. I ended up being made fifth wheel, and had to sit alone at an adjacent table. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 387
You deserved it 4 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mimiminx 23

Why didn't you tell her you wanted it to be just her? Could have solved a lot of problems.

To me it sounds like your girlfriend is using you! Explain to her how you felt about what happened and see if you can go out again? (if she will apologize!)


Im not Captain Obvious, but I am pretty sure normal people would rather sit with their bf/gf. I think Op's gf doesn't like him as much or she would have noticed. I would have been like "Dude! Let me sit next to my gf you dick!" then say "I am sorry I called you a dick, but I only wanted to be with my gf. As long as I am then I will be happy and won't care who sits with us." Idk why people don't do something about things like this. I donkt have the guts to sit alone. If I wanted to sit alone then I would stay home and chill on a computer or something.

jsolis1982 6

I would've just left them all there

Catty relationships don't last, friend..

That doesn't sound like you're bf/gf.

Yeah, because people in relationships never, ever spend time with friends or anyone else besides their significant other, right? This isn't really a problem at all--it's just a miscommunication issue and the OP is whining because he didn't get sex in exchange for dinner.

That's a good devils advocate argument lets also take into consideration maybe the OP wanted just some time with his girlfriend and wanted to indulge in the simple pleasure of having someone there and her inviting her friends wasn't taking that into consideration granted he should've made it clear that it was only supposed to be them two but also she should've asked out of courtesy if she could invite friends.

what i dont get, is why did OPs girlfriend feel the need to tell everybody that she's going out? what, does she tell everybody when she's going out to pick up groceries too?

What the hell?? You need a new girlfriend, ASAP!

BuckNekkid 22

dude man up, or we revoke your mancard. you can only be taken advantage of by someone if you let them do it.

I hope you don't ever expect to get head either