By worthless - 10/11/2010 02:11 - United States

Today, my boyfriend, who doesn't wear deodorant and has horrible dandruff, decided to shower for the first time in nearly a week because he got invited out to a bar. He didn't even invite me to go with him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 759
You deserved it 39 861

Same thing different taste

Top comments

BobbingForOlives 2

YDI for staying with him. Seriously, you like being around Mr. Smelly?

NotYourOrdinary7 6

Whoa. Please teach him about good hygiene. Love must really be blind. Or, in your case, has a stuffy nose as well. Nasty.


lenalee96 22

wow. *dumped* ((should be, at least))

Just think of all the staph on his skin! He has no self respect and no respect for you. Hopefully he at least washes his undercarriage daily?'

lol his undercarriage... Op Wtf? why would you bother being with someone so nasty?

I think her name explains it all. OP being with anybody that wants to be with you is not better than being alone. You're not perfect and I'm not suggesting you set impossible standards but if your bf has these quirks that aggravate/hurt/frustrate you regularly, what's the point of being with him?

fmlwinnn 0

She's probably only with him for his looks (besides the dandruff), his money, or because she's desperate and/or she needs a guy to feel good about herself.

He didn't invite you to go with him where? Shower? P.S. Don't forget to make him a sammich.

c12azy13ananas 0

you're really not funny with the whole "sammich" routine you post on every fml monkeybusiness!!

RedPillSucks 31

Well, ImaginaryFoe, normally I would say that perhaps the other things she likes about him outweigh the superficial dandruff or BO. However, if the one time he decides to clean himself up is when he's not with her, it looks like he's on the prowl for something else. If she's not down with that then she needs to skedaddle. As you say, being with someone who doesn't value you is not better than being alone. And you can't have awesome sex if you're holding your nose and wiping away falling dandruff.

MissErikaHart 0

EW op. I'm sorry but ur man sounds nasty. I kinda think u r too for being with him. make him shower daily regardless of what's goin on. properor at decent hygiene should b important in ur life and relationship.

MissErikaHart 0

Was totally thinking that! Fail for not bathing or washing his hair, he's described like a homeless man why make the effort to be with him, he sure doesn't do the same.

I'm sorry, but if she's happy to go out with a guy who 'doesn't shower', she should expect him to be an arse in every other aspect of the relationship.

hobbsicle805 0

Dump his ass, and I'm a guy saying this

Exactly what I was thinking! Ew OP, looks aren't everything but personal hygiene is. Do not confuse the two, and for sure don't have such low standards. If he doesn't use deo, or wash his hair and body, he probably doesn't brush his teeth either...think about that next time you kiss your boyfriend. Yeah, FYL, but you so deserve it.

BobbingForOlives 2

YDI for staying with him. Seriously, you like being around Mr. Smelly?

knibbsy 4

Maybe he's not smelly, and she keeps him around because with him, there will be a 100% chance of snow on Christmas!

why are you going out with him???? Wtf this makes noooo sense

ladyvader401 5

That's really gross! And to top it all off, he didn't even invite you? I think it might be time to dump his ass...

.... why are you with the smelly guy? lol run... far... and don't look back.

I completely agree! she should of ran away on the first date!

Exactly. That is completely disgusting. You definately have to have a low self-esteem to settle for that. *gag*

NotYourOrdinary7 6

Whoa. Please teach him about good hygiene. Love must really be blind. Or, in your case, has a stuffy nose as well. Nasty.

If you can't smell there might be something wrong with your nose. Have you seen a doctor about this?

Rawrzie 0

Congratz. Tell that story at parties.

iTwitch 5

haha Werd.... and watch all the girls run away after haha

is that like a thing with Asians... I swear every Asian I know can't smell

starberries 0

My husband doesn't smell either. It pisses me off a little. He's Korean. Is it an Asian thing or just a coincidence? I suspect OP's boyfriend is not so lucky, though, or she wouldn't have mentioned the lack of deodorant.

FinnickLover10 1

Cool story bro, don't tell it again

SaucierGirl 20

Asians have a few body differences from the other races. They’re less susceptible to lung cancer, more susceptible to disease caused by being overweight, and most of them have far smaller areas that produce body odor. That’s why it’s often hard to find a deodorant strong enough for other races in Asian countries.

gusgus36 5

that's really gross. not even having basic hygiene standards could be a dealbreaker. and the fact that his weekly shower is in honor of his friends but he doesn't care about being filthy around you? not okay...

I love love love your hair. Did you get it professionally done or do it yourself?

gusgus36 5

thank you :) i go to a salon. unless you just mean how I have it curled that day in which case I did it myself

cassee963 1

I'm not sure what's more disgusting... you're smelly boyfriend or you for being with him.

I suggest you get him Gucci by Gucci (pour homme). That ***** incredible!

NotYourOrdinary7 6

YES!!!! I love how it smells. We sell it at my job!

gusgus36 5

I feel like the one thing grosser than the smell of dirty smelly dude body odor is cologne dumped over wouldn't cover it up, it just makes the overall smell stronger.. lol what's the point unless he showers and uses deodorant first.

#15, it's slightly magical though! It will eliminate odors :) however, showering will be MUCH cheaper! #12, then I guess you know what I smell like.

RedPillSucks 31

@15 He might very well be showering but just has a glandular problem. I know many people with this. They just need a stronger antiperspirant, instead of a deodorant. Of course, he could just be nasty. Who knows?