By kenleybunch - 12/03/2013 13:22 - United States - Greenville

Today, I invited my long-lost best friend over, because I haven't seen her much since she got a new boyfriend. 20 minutes into hanging out, he showed up at my door. He still hasn't left, and they're having sex on my couch right now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 708
You deserved it 7 589

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, I don't understand how people can be such rude idiots


looney_mc 4

join them and your win you friend back

That's gross. I'd kick them out then burn the couch. Maybe not in that order either

you didn't deserve to be treated like that, but for God's sake kick them out!

You should lick his balls while he ***** her!

I completely feel your pain. My best friend does that shit to me all the time. But not the sex part.

MTCoralReefer 10

I'd kick thier asses to the curb and keep them lost friends


Damn! And you didnt say anything or try and stop them? You either dont like confrontation, or your a killer friend who isnt a **** blocker, ill let you decide (:

Bunny21 11

Seems to me like she's not much of a friend. I would have flickered their noses really hard for being rude and sprayed their faces with water and would have pointed at them and said No as if you were training animals.

werewolf_babe 16

I would hav kicked him out, and if she'd had chose him over you, well who needs friends like that anyway