By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I invited over 30 people to come to the park with me since the day was nice and cool. I sat there for three hours by myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 390
You deserved it 5 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you the homeless guy sitting in the park I pass on the way to work, always mumbling "Where are mah 30 friends... I invited abuch m-sure" and drinking cheap beer from a paperbag?


Are you that guy who was sitting in the "jungle" with his shirt off?

How much notice did you give them? If it was, like, earlier that day, they wouldn't have had time to reorganise their day around it. A lot of people might not be able to come up to something unless they are given at least a couple of days, maybe even a week, in advance. It depends on their situation: do they work? Have a family to look after? Have parents to answer to? etc. Pretty much only unemployed, single people living by themselves can really afford to drop everything just to hang out with someone on someone else's schedule.

It happen to me before but I slept only for 15 min and the sun woke up me bcuz it was shinning in my fronted of my face.

Arsenic_Cupcake 0

Wow, I'm sorry. I agree that sucks, but did you even confirm with any of the people you invited before going to the park to wait for them?

RPGkid 0

Dude that sucks worse that my last birthday. I invited 25 but only one showed up. Worst part was my girlfriend at the time diched me. Better luck next time.

secretsammius 0

I guess that's what happens when you invite people out on a Thursday afternoon. Better luck on Saturdays maybe?

nevershoutnever1_fml 0
kelliejellie 3