By Anonymous - 10/03/2015 23:15 - United States - Angleton

Today, I jokingly sent my girlfriend a link to an article about giving better head. She didn't think it was funny, and has since sent me numerous articles about the female orgasm, and I just got a link to the Wikipedia article about the clitoris. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 636
You deserved it 57 731

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, don't dish it out if you can't take it!

Look likes she ones step a head of you. I'm sure you didn't mean to rub her the wrong way, but it's a touchy subject


Cozy_Blanket 16

Man op she went all Mortal Kombat on you! You kinda did it yourself though.

You are game, just be careful next time she gives you a *******, if she ever does again, unless she has no teeth.......

Dude, that's awesome! She just gave you the freedom to try, try, and try again. Better study up!

I think you have been told to put your money where your mouth is supposed to be.... If you give critiques you better be able to accept critiques

So it's fine for you to send articles like that, but not her to send one back? Guess you're no sex god yourself. YDI.

randomheartthrob 7

If she gives head never complain. Enjoy it.

Guess she's saying u suck in bed. Remember you brought it up first

ahh, joking or not, that's an inconsiderate thing to do. There are other ways to approach this subject with your partner. but this, was the immature, inconsiderate, and wrong way to do it.