By what have i done with my life - 21/07/2013 17:46 - United States - Akron

Today, I jokingly told my friend that when a tree seems to sway in the wind, it's really just having an orgasm. Not only did she believe me, she's been smugly informing everyone we know. She's 26. I seem to be friends with an absolute idiot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 649
You deserved it 6 026

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, it is a natural reaction when you're getting blown.

The wind just penetrates the branches relentlessly. What else would happen?


no offense but maybe you should get new friends or just replace her...

My friends mother told her other daughter she could get pregnant from kissing and she believed it and cried

Is she hot? Direct her to me so I can tell her that casually blowing me is a way of showing friendship in my country.

Why would you be friend with such an imbecile? You deserve it.

It doesn't really sound like you're her friend, it sounds like you just keep her around to feel better about yourself. YDI.

Literally how did you even come to that conclusion???

Hey I've had my stupid moment OP one time or another. Just explain to your friend that it was meant to be a joke. And don't judge her for her mistake either!