By INeedMoney - 28/01/2012 05:58 - United States

Today, I just finished my first week of unemployment. I don't have any money. I also just finished the last toilet paper roll. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 713
You deserved it 5 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bettyc4 26
pm_sky 0

fast food restaurants to restock


I had a job, but the boss man let me go. I've got no money and I've just run out of toilet roll.

DalPozzo13 10

Grab some leaves from your yard

SxeDaze 13

If all other suggestions fail...time to cup the hand and go to work.

Quit smokin billies man! You not making any sense

So the bear that just took a dump asks the rabbit "do you you have trouble with shit sticking to your fur?" When the rabbit says "no" the bear picks him up and wipes his ass with the poor bunny. If you get stuck, find a rabbit.

... The commenters from YouTube have arrived...

zingline89 18

24, get off FML or learn how to type like an adult

dd1257 3

Unless you don't live all by yourself in the woods with nothing but trees and bushes, you could always ask your neighbor for some. Nevertheless, FYL

Get our economy going and vote obama out!! Vote republican in 2012!

Republicans new campaign strategy; trying to get votes from FML readers.

Lauaries8 16

STFU 21, shit started long ago before Obama. OP needs to get a job. I've got three and lots of TP

Steal from hotels, takeaways and public toilets... Then hang your head in shame for leeching off society you welfare-slag! :)

Legendoflaw 4

He could have an iPod and using hotspots.....

zingline89 18

Its not like the second they become unemployed their internet gets shut off and they sell their computer/phone.

peachesncreem 21

Internet is like air or water. It's a necessity.

if op wanted toilet paper badly enough he would probably sell his computer...just sayin

LunaDragon 10

Or he could wipe his ass with his phone. (previous fml reference)

TonyIsMyDog 2
TylerOMFG 7