By Miss_Whipped - 14/10/2016 06:04 - United States - Fort Worth

Today, I just received the king-sized bed I'd ordered. My boyfriend moved out two days ago when we broke up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 225
You deserved it 1 215

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kaitlyn520 13

Sorry about the boyfriend :(... But all I'm thinking is "King size bed to myself!!!" All the room to spread out and eat all your food in... I know it's not the same as having someone there to share it with you. I hope you're okay <3

On the positive side, you do not have to worry about sharing the bed.


kaitlyn520 13

Sorry about the boyfriend :(... But all I'm thinking is "King size bed to myself!!!" All the room to spread out and eat all your food in... I know it's not the same as having someone there to share it with you. I hope you're okay <3

JMichael 25

I agree with the whole having a bed to yourself! It does suck you are now single, unless you prefer it that way then more room for you OP!

even when i have the bed to myself i always sleep on the same side

Same 12. even with my cali king, altho it majorly sucks they broke up. but at the op of this chain, that is exactly what I was thinking. even if you sleep on the same side, you can still stretch out w/o worry. unless you have pets, of course.

i don't let my dog sleep in bed with me often because he tries to hog the bed. plus he sheds too much which makes me have to do the bedding laundry every 2 or 3 days

On the positive side, you do not have to worry about sharing the bed.

secretmisery05 25

Welp, more space for you, I say. I don't know about you, OP, but sometimes, I like to sleep diagonally. My boyfriend gets in the way of that so sometimes, I put him on the couch. Sounds like a plus to me. ;P

nonsensical 26

That sounds a little selfish. Poor guy

7 - I think her boyfriend might be a doll.

secretmisery05 25

Aha, I appreciate y'all's concern. No, actually, he's been falling asleep on the couch for the past week because the internet is stronger there and he can't take his hands and eyes off the cell phone game, Clash of Clans. (If he stays in the room with me, he keeps getting disconnected.) So yeah, he doesn't intentionally do it, but I've been the one who's been asking him to get back in the room and get back in bed. Eventually, I just learned to find the positive in the situation in that the bigger space works for me, and I figured it would be funny to think of it as me placing him there rather than the boring fact that sometimes, he just falls asleep there while playing his game. Every other day, he still joins me, though. (Usually when the game kicks him off for an extended period of time like for personal breaks and maintenance breaks. ;D)

Then enjoy breaking it in with someone who's not your d!ckface X. or get a pet, there are much more loyal and loving and just as cuddly. I am sorry about your breakup but every bad thing that happens is just a stepping stone toward something good.

He broke up with OP obviously there can't possibly have been any valid reason to do that.

It doesn't say who broke up with who, it just says they broke up.

11 - It doesn't even say that the boyfriend broke up with her. It just says "when we broke up". Even if she broke up with him the bed coming at this time could bring back some memories and sadness.

More room for you! King Sized beds are awesome.

Sorry about the beak up it must be painful...but hey all this space for you and you can do whatever you want! and you can always bring in your pet if you have any for the company :D

Focus on the positives, enjoy the space u have in a fresh king sized bed without it being tainted by your ex.

Now you have so much room for activities!

Sorry about the breakup, but at least YOU get the nice spacious bed.

mermaidgirle 12

ALL the bed to yourself! Sorry about the breakup op, I hope things get better.