By eatmywords - 05/07/2011 07:06 - Singapore

Today, I laughed when I saw my ex-girlfriend in her overall uniform, thinking she'd got a job as a janitor. Turns out she's as professional marine welder. She's 22 years old and earns my monthly salary in three days. My current girlfriend who was there with me called me a loser in front of her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 523
You deserved it 64 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

So, what's your amazing job that entitles you to belittle janitors? No wonder your girlfriend called you a loser: Your ex has nore balls than you. Grow a pair, and stop acting like a little boy.

SteelCladAngel 0

LOL asshole you completely deserved image how much worse your life would suck if your current gf left you for your ex gf :)


don't worry she'll get killed soon so no problem there

Sgt_M_G 0

53- you never finished your sentence. what does his asshole do???

I hate when all of these FMLs about karma and exs are a revolved around money. if you dumped them you obviously don't want to spend your life with them regardless of their income.

The fact that you care means you're pretty shallow.

LOL. You f*cking deserve that one! You know better than to talk to women like that. Now she's better than you financially. YDI, Loser.

redneck_Romeo 4

some women deserve that kind of treatment. seen plenty of women who do.

TallMist 32

And do tell, 94, how OP's ex deserves to be belittled. I'd love to know how that applies to OP's ex.

if an FML is the result of someone assuming something, they deserve it.

According to O*Net, she probably got at least a bachelors degree to do that. How did you not pick up on what she was doing for those 4 years? On a semi-related note, what are you doing for a profession that is only making you $10k per year (1/7th what an average Marine Engineer makes).

awardZu 0

OP cleans the ball pit at Burger King, lol.

raebeglan 7

I like how much research you put into your comment! haha it's inspiring :)

She's a marine welder he said, which is only like 30k...odd.

I looked it up too, and in most places she may make as little as 30 thousand a year.

I have no sympathy for you at all. I am now assuming you're in the process of growing a new pair of balls since your old ones were just pwned. YDI. But FYL for being you >.>

i think there's something somewhat attractive about a woman who can do manual labor. also, were you completely oblivious of your former girlfriend's ambitions while you were dating her? anyway, you should avoid ******** on janitors, because they deal with the (literal) shit that you are apparently incapable of dealing with. as they say: "don't hate; congratulate." you've successfully mastered the art of being an elephantine douche. |the kid|

sugaboo 1

LMAO @ elephantine douche!!

eee559 0

I am convinced that the people who said FYL are drunk. You totally deserve it, asswipe.