By magomag - 14/05/2013 04:15 - United States - Fair Lawn

Today, I learned if you type my full name in Google Images, the 3rd thing that comes up is a naked woman in ropes. Someone on Pornhub thought it was smart to comment that the girl looks just like me. She does. Now my parents think I'm a porn star, and most people at school stopped talking to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 131
You deserved it 5 504

Same thing different taste

Top comments

phantumgrey 6

And you name just for reference is?.......

superman21_fml 19

What school do you go to that nobody would want to talk to a **** star?


Looks like a duck. Sounds like a duck. Probably a **** star.

dont lie you and your friends were watching **** and that one girl that hangs out with you that doesnt like you showed and told everyone that was you

football98_fml 20

A girl at my job looks like Alyssa Hall. I want to sleep with her just for that reason.

aeromachine 7

You can pay a company to restructure the Google results that are returned when your name is entered.

I've had a **** double before. It's not fun. Best you can so is crack jokes about it so people get the hint that it isn't you. If you truly get upset over it to the point others can see it, it only seems to fuel the fire.

RedPillSucks 31

Sigh.. It's a dog-****-dog world out there.

You should have fun with it but as long as you know the truth that's all that matters

still_guns 16

Obviously everyone is too dense to realise that you aren't.

This sounds false to me, who in their right mind would publish a friend's or their own name in an adult website and why would anyone search for you, or even know who the girl is? Your parents watch pornography, then? Or someone told them?

Do you frequent Pornhub? Do they know what you look like for any particular reason? There has to be a step missing here...