By MommaAnnie - 02/05/2013 15:59 - United States - Overland Park

Today, I learned my husband has what he calls "grumpy wife sex" specifically to cheer me up. I don't know if I'm more annoyed that he casually mentioned it after we've been together for 10 years, or that it actually works. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 703
You deserved it 14 834

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Offended? be grateful! He actually cares about cheering you up and in the best way ever!

I like the fact that he went around your grumpiness instead of going around the neighborhood. So, YDI.


Freshpie - I've counted at least 2 of your comments that have to do with having sex with cats.

I don't get why you would be annoyed. He notices you are in a bad mood and gives you sex to make you feel better. He's being thoughtful.

crackan_fml 3

Uh oh, looks like somebody's grumpy...

popaacxx 10

Well, should you be happy that the sex was great? Obviously if you felt better after the sex then he must f done real good. Lol

MooseKnuckle5150 13

Suddenly all I can think of is Dory saying "Hey there Mr. Grumpy Gills... Ya know what I do.... Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."

Grow up. Be happy his grumpy wife sex isn't him boinking someone on the side! YDI

well, if it recures it must be true.

Sounds like it's time for some grumpy wife sex.

I actually think that's kinda cute on his part and I have no idea why you're so bent.