By Anonymous - 01/10/2011 06:48 - Australia

Today, I learned no matter how much your friends pressure you, you must never snort lines of curry powder. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 338
You deserved it 67 440

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Top comments

ashleykay94 7
bbailey19 3

Why snort anything up your noise? Slippery slope brah


sierra142 19

If they'd convinced you to snort poison would you have? Seriously WHY would you snort curry powder?

joee182 3

peer preasure, will it ever end?:/

herpitydurteedur 0

My friend snorted an entire bottle(?) of chili and lime flavoured Lucas one time cause he wanted to see my ****. So he dumped it out into his palm and went in with both nostrils. What a dumbass. He started choking and it got stuck in his sinuses. Lol. Yes I'm a sadistic bitch.

herpitydurteedur 0

Heehee No XD Sorry I took so long, i forgot I posted on this XD but I did punch him in the dick when I caught him watching me change out of my bathing suit.

Haha. Props dude. I think thats hilarious.

Fish_999 0

Two words come to mind....dip shit!

Your poor friend. That stuff had my "SPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICY!!! YAY!" mother vomiting in the sink.

When I was a kid I snorted instant chocolate powder for... some reason. I blame being a dumb kid. Was sneezing brown for a week. If you, OP, are a kid then that's slightly less YDI than if you're a dumb adult. On the other hand, its curry powder. At least hot chocolate powder doesn't burn. Moron.

I hope it wasn't Quik. That stuff is worse than speed.

Cadbury's Highlights Instant, chocolate fudge flavour.

Damn that's funny! But no, you totally deserve it. :D

How is snorting curry powder idealistic? Damn stupid, yes, but idealistic? I don't really see it.