By ssenmodnaR - 27/07/2016 16:30

Today, I learned that I'm in that special kind of relationship where my ex thinks we're still married, no matter how many times I tell him that we were divorced over a year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 077
You deserved it 1 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's time to introduce them to a nice piece of paper called "Restraining Order"?

justcommenting19 19

The only solution is to dye your hair, wear big sunglasses, and move to Argentina.


TeacherTeacher 11

My ex thought we were still married even though I moved to another country. He then decided we were best friends and emailed all the time. It took years for him to figure it out.

gamecritic101 11

My husbands ex is like that. It's creepy.

Sandman2015 12

Um if you are divorced why is this guy still in your life that much? Can we get some more context of what he's doing OP?

Same!!!! It's been almost 6 months and he pays more attention to me now than when we were married.

A restraining order would be very helpful

Depending on what 'think we're still married' covers, you may want to consider a restraining order.

Damn! Well on the bright side at least you're divorced from him. Lol ?

my ex cheated and still looks for me ,she said a a black guy mad e her squirt , and ,she was to controlling , I find it weird that she would move to where I lived like if she followed me ??? , I told her to do a favor for me pick up my bag ,and she did , she was 25 minutes from where i lived ,

What the heck is the point of your comment? Can someone translate this for me?