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Weirdo freak

By kitkat3308 - 27/09/2013 06:20 - United States

Today, I found out that my controlling, verbally abusive ex-boyfriend from nearly four years ago is still obsessed with me. Apparently, he's told everyone back home that he and I are getting married as soon as I finish college. We haven't spoken in over two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 183
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

change your number, tell all your family and friends your situation and not to give your new number out by any means and, if necessary get a restraining order.


I'm confused what he could be reported for. Maybe slander for making up stories about her? The OP says they haven't spoken for 2 years so he's not exactly harassing her directly. Maybe I just don't understand the law but I don't get why everyone is calling for a restraining order.

it's like the beginning of some major stalker issues....

change your number, tell all your family and friends your situation and not to give your new number out by any means and, if necessary get a restraining order.

It may only be a piece of paper, but if he violates it then he is is sent to jail.

Yeah that sucks for the op, but he's not doing anything legally wrong. I support the op's side but there's nothing that can be done really, aside from clearing up the rumors herself.

I think it's time for a restraining order.

xSonic 9

It's always "**** the police" until you're scared and they come to save your ass

jasmine2301 25

Restraining order? What is she gonna do, throw the piece of paper at him? Nah, you gotta protect yourself!

jw90 18

Buy a shotgun, show up at his doorstep and tell him that if he doesn't stay our of your life that gun is going up his ass and you're pulling the trigger. Or since violence is never the answer, you could try a diplomatic solution. I opt for the first.

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Shot guns are hard to handle. Get an AR or a hand gun. My 1911 stays loaded in my night stand.

Ah, I always prefer to sleep with a nuke under my pillow... Always makes me sleep easier at night.

No, I think the threat of a shotgun blast up the ass will do the trick

The moment I turn 21 I'm getting my concealed carry, although my dad allows me to keep one of my pistols in my room for self defense. I will never be caught off guard by an intruder or crazy ex boyfriend.

make sure your family knows that it is not real and he is faking it, and make sure to try out the block number feature so he cannot contact you.

If you haven't spoke how do you know this? Unless I missed something.. Get a fake wedding band quick...the for sure it will be over...

Zimmington 21

maybe someone he told informed her...

And wouldn't a fake wedding band make everyone think he's telling the truth? So many flaws!

MissSticks 21

Wow, that sucks! Make sure everyone knows the situation so you have support if he does anything! Hope it all turns out okay!

ctlnaaia71 8