By ssenmodnaR - 27/07/2016 16:30

Today, I learned that I'm in that special kind of relationship where my ex thinks we're still married, no matter how many times I tell him that we were divorced over a year ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 077
You deserved it 1 135

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe it's time to introduce them to a nice piece of paper called "Restraining Order"?

justcommenting19 19

The only solution is to dye your hair, wear big sunglasses, and move to Argentina.


Why did he become the ex? Was it because he cheated or did something wrong or did you just start likening someone else? If he won't let go and it was because you left at no fault of his then I don't fault him. I had a best friend whose dad never dated for 10 years and kept trying to get his separated wife back while she was living with another guy. He never gave up...she sadly died suddenly and he was destroyed that he never won her back. It wasn't really his fault either.

She didn't want to be with him and he was never going to win her back if she hadn't died. Don't feel sorry for the guy because he never got his ex back, feel sorry for him because he never got over his ex. I know a guy like that too, him and his ex have now been divorced longer then they were ever together and he's still not over her. She's been with her current husband for 15 years and they have 3 kids together. Her ex is a nasty creep and it sounds like your example is too.

Well, luckily there is a special type of jacket for a guy just like that OP. A straitjacket.

get a restraining order! and an annulment

I think it's too late for an annulment.

Make sure that you're actually divorced and s/he didn't screw something up. Then get a restraining order. Or the other way around. Just do it.

So, my ex and I had a great relationship for several years. It's too bad that his former boss convinced him to try doing blow. He was taking anything valuable that wasn't nailed to the floor and pawned it for drug money. He even sold our $5000 wedding rings. I divorced that bastard, had a restraining order filed against him (it was denied), and moved out of state to get away from him. Those drugs probably screwed up his mind something serious because I've woken up with him outside my window playing "baby come back" on his boom box. I don't even know how he found me again. I've moved on and remarried, but he just thinks my husband is a "friend" that I hang out with way too much. I'm filing another restraining order against him in the hopes that he will leave me alone.

Really? He did the same whole boom box cliché in real life?? Yeah, those drugs definitely did a number on him. Good luck, I hope the restraining order goes through.

Wow OP! You be careful, alright? Sometimes these things can go south unexpectedly (I watch a lot of ID channel). I hope that restraining order goes through this time.

hoosiergirl94 31

Run away. Adopt a knew identity

Either he's an idiot who doesn't understand English or he totally understands you're divorced and he's ******* with you. I think it's the latter.