By Anonymous - 29/07/2012 05:27 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I learned that if you go through your best friend's phone, you can find sexy texts and nude pictures between him and your girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 047
You deserved it 5 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you need to find a new best friend and a new girlfriend.

Betrys 7

While going through his phone is wrong. At least you know something's going on. I'm sorry man people can be cruel


People just suck man! Sorry to hear it! Punch that pr*ck in his face!!

lumberjack610 1
fukmefreddy 4

awww, all I found in my best friend's phone was gay ****, and pics of my dad. Why did OP lie to me?

Well, thats a pretty specific nugget of knowledge to obtain. How did you ever achieve such enlightenment?

nutorious 1

I would drop kick him and than tell ur girl its over. ***** are a pain.

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Texts the pictures to all her family and friends and/or just throw his phone in the toilet and leave for being stupid enough to leave that on his phone. Don't even call to break up with her just start going out with other women and don't respond to any of her calls. And flat out stop talking to Judas.

sucks but YDI, don't go through peoples' stuff

You shouldn't go through your friend's phone. Then again, it seems he's not your friend, anyway. Delete both of them from your life.

l0rd1r1sh 2

That sux, how dare u go through that phone thats what ya get... im j/k that sux big man ive been through that before it gets better. Stay Stong.