By Anonymous - 29/07/2012 05:27 - United States - Dearborn

Today, I learned that if you go through your best friend's phone, you can find sexy texts and nude pictures between him and your girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 047
You deserved it 5 075

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Looks like you need to find a new best friend and a new girlfriend.

Betrys 7

While going through his phone is wrong. At least you know something's going on. I'm sorry man people can be cruel


xoxoboobear 5

Why are you going through his phone anyway? That's just rude. "Knowing too much can get you hurt."

Sleepy_Brown_23 0

Looks like you needa step UR game up

Wow what backstabbers. I feel for you man

penguin_bitchez 15
J15237 25

That is ****** up. I am sorry, but you don't need either of those people in your life.